Burn, Witch, Burn. Stories of Witches.

There has been a huge upturn recently in the number of books about witches and witchcraft. Practicing witchcraft, being a witch, has become almost trendy. But literature, like society, has taken its time to get here. Let’s go back to when witches were dragged into popular culture kicking and screaming. The witch trials and the… Continue reading Burn, Witch, Burn. Stories of Witches.

Top 5 Shakespeare plays to introduce you to the Bard

So, you want to get into Shakespeare. You look at a complete works and you are overwhelmed. You see titles you recognise but you have no idea what they are about. The world of the Bard is full of whimsy, death and history. Wholesome characters and downright scoundrels. Adventuring into his world is absolutely recommended… Continue reading Top 5 Shakespeare plays to introduce you to the Bard