Friends, Family and Partners in Crime

We love to work with our amazing creative and productive friends. A key role of Rotten Poetry is to foster creativity in our community. We were nominated for Crags Radio Community Star Awards, Community Arts Award 2022

Get to know our designers and the core team here.

Below you’ll find third party products we stock and people we love to collaborate with:

Charlotte Wood

Charlotte Wood is a writer of the macabre, spooky and the downright scary.
She has been a fan of the horror genre since discovering it at age 13 and has sought it out in all its forms ever since. Charlotte has written many scary short stories throughout her life and Heather turned into a full-length novel by accident.

Joanne Saunby

Joanne is one of our designers but has a whole host of talents for sale: children’s author and illustrator, cosplay artist and prop-maker, artist and singer.

Phill Middleton

Author of Memoirs of a Kid from ‘Odthorpe published by Rotten Poetry available here.

Richard C Bower

Poetry from the soul. Books Postmodern and Sanctuary available now.

Tyler Elizabeth Turner

Poet. PhD researcher, freelance writer and workshop facilitator.

Sam Tucker?

Awkward, skinny guy with a guitar singing songs about being an awkward, skinny guy with a guitar. He’s good, you should check him out here.

People we just think you should go look at:

Kathryn Ashcroft, Eyes on the Prize, Design Anarch, Fable’s Illustrations, The Crag Rats, Charlotte Lunn,