To the world
I have hidden a treasure box somewhere in Ireland.

It contains:
– A signed copy of my book – The Bluster boy
– 1 of only two existing copies of my first book – ‘Twist me then forever in the curved moon’ – Aberystwyth 1991
– The cowboy – Handwritten poem by Davey MacManus – Age 11
– 1 bar dairy milk chocolate
– Irish Independent 31/8/24
– All are carefully wrapped for as long as it takes in the suitcase from this photograph

All are welcome to search for this capsule – please respect the environment at all times. The capsule is not buried deep underground, you don’t need a spade. It is not up a cliff or somewhere dangerous. Be safe.
All the clues are in this poem:
They found arrowheads
A grizzled old man in Finnegans
told me the first Irish Africans
were not dirty farmers in famine paintings
but the freezing slaves of fearless Vikings.
If Stone Age man can get there you can.
Ask my old friend Ken
Then cross darkness
Stand in the the doorway
Where the saint once stood
Divide the ads for a barber shop
Till your toes touch the water
Don't listen to that old man
Follow the Star of David
Through the yellow gap
When you first sense danger
Turn fast from that evil maiden
The pirates are always watching
Never forgiven
There is a crack where the light gets in
When the seals howl at sunset